Don’t Make This Costly Mistake – Always Survey Your Property Lines First

Property Surveying

Installing a fence is a big decision. Not only does it require time and money, but it also affects your property in a major way. It’s important to make sure you install the fence in the right spot – and that means surveying your property lines first! Some people make the mistake of installing their fence without checking where the property lines are, and end up having to move their fence later on. This can be costly and time-consuming, so it’s best to avoid this mistake altogether by surveying your property lines before you start installing that new fence!

The Importance of Knowing Your Property Lines

Knowing your property lines when adding a fence is important to avoid problems later with your neighbors, public easements, and homeowners associations. This responsibility begins with the property owner before they begin a fence project. 

Why Survey?

Surveying your property boundaries before installing a fence will help ensure everything is done correctly the first time. It’s important to understand exactly where your property corners are and where you can legally place your fence. This will also help if there are any disputes with neighbors in regard to who owns what part of the fence or other issues that may arise. Additionally, some local governments require you to have a survey before adding a fence, as it helps them keep accurate records of all properties in their jurisdiction. Surveying your property also allows you to maximize your yard space and properly plan the placement of your fence.

Communicating with the Survey Company

Ask your survey company to pin the corners of your property before they complete their work. Many residential lots already have the corners marked with an iron property stake, which the survey company can locate. You may also want to ask them to double-check existing pins or markers that you think may mark your property lines and verify if any are missing. Make sure to get a copy of the survey for yourself, as well as for your local government in case it’s required by law.

Ask your survey company to stake your property lines, which involves the placement of survey markers at property corners with additional markers along the property lines (set at predefined intervals). This process creates a visible line that defines the limits of your property.

Rules and Regulations Regarding Where You Can Install Fence

All states have different rules and regulations regarding where you can install a fence, so be sure to check with your local government before starting a new fence project.

In NC you can build the fence directly on the property line. However, we recommend staying approximately 6” off the property line just to be safe. Always check with your HOA to make sure there aren’t any additional regulations or requirements in your neighborhood. If you have an easement, make sure access is still maintained. 

Who Can Do a Survey and What Do They Cost?

Fence Builders Inc. can recommend a survey company, just submit a request for a proposal and we can suggest someone which may vary depending on where you live. The survey may cost $400-600 for a standard residential lot.

What About Tying Into a Neighbor’s Fence?

First, talk to your neighbor and, if they agree, get their approval in writing. This could be a simple as an email, depending on the scope of the project. Also make sure the fence is installed by a professional so it meets all city, county or HOA regulations. Some considerations may include the height and materials used to maintain consistency with your neighbor’s fence. Lastly, make sure you discuss who is responsible for maintenance.

In Summary

Knowing your property lines before installing a fence is critical in avoiding problems later on with your neighbors, public easements, and homeowners associations. Make sure to talk to a survey company and ask them to pin the corners of your property before they complete their work. Understand all local rules and regulations regarding where you can install a fence, as well as any building codes that must be adhered to. It’s also important to communicate with your neighbor if tying into an existing fence. Following these steps will help ensure everything goes smoothly when adding a new fence to your home!

Need a New Fence? Look No Further Than Fence Builders Inc.

For all your fencing needs, look no further than Fence Builders Inc. We provide a variety of services such as residential and commercial fence installation, as well as gate and access control systems. Let us know what kind of fence you’re looking for and we can get started on your project today! Contact us now for more information or to receive a free quote. 

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